venerdì 7 marzo 2008

Gardening with Aromatic Plants – herbs

Our school organised a gardening course focused on aromatic plants. The location was the school’s garden and its greenhouse. This course was divided in different phases:

The practical phase = the green phase. (see photos)
preparation of the soil outside the greenhouse
preparation of the greenhouse
sowing seeds – buying plants
daily care taking of the plants

the theoretical phase= Internet phase (see example Laurel/bay leaf)
The students did some research on these aromatic plants, focusing on :
general characteristics - description
parts of the plant that are used
where and why is the plant used (medicine, kitchen, cosmetics)
curiosity (stories, legends)

the gastronomic phase =the finishing touch (SEE EXAMPLE CAMOMILE LIQUEUR )
Together with their teachers the students found or invented recipes with aromatic plants.

(Laurus nobilis)

Laurel belongs to the family of the Lauraceae; it is an evergreen plant.Its dimensions vary from bush to tree (sometimes 10 m.) , the oval leaves are thick and hard ( 10 cm. Long); the colour is deep brilliant green on top, light opaque green on the inside, the edges are undulated. The smell is strong and spicy.Laurel flourishes in March-April, the flowers are small green yellowish. Its fruit is black and contains only one seed which ripens in October - November.
The plants grows spontaneously in the Mediterranean woods; it is also used as ornamental plant.
Aromatic, aperitif, digestive, stimulating, slightly antiseptic. Note that all Laurel is poisonous except the gastronomic one .
The leaves are used in the kitchen , the fruit is used in pharmaceutical products
In the kitchen : widely used in the kitchen: its aroma, stimulates the appetite and favours the enzymes of the digestion, it is indispensable in stew, soup, sauces but also to marinate : game, cod, potato soup and cooked fish.
Beauty: a handful of laurel in the bathwater gives it a special perfume , it gives relief to painful limbs
Health: Recommended as aperitif and digestive; it calms cough and bronchitis. It is used in skin creams : the oil of the berries is used against rheumatic pain and contusions. Curiosity :
Laurel was already known in ancient Greece and Rome as the symbol of peace and victory in the military and sports field for this reason it is also called “Lauro Nobile”. In ancient Greece it was dedicated to Apollo, God of music and poetry, as well as Lord of the Oracle of Delphi, according to testimonies the first of six temples was completely built with laurel branches. It was told that the “Pizia” who told the oracle went in trance after having inhaled the smoke of burned laurel leaves , in fact, when taken in large quantities, the plant can have hypnotic effects. Laurel was a sacred plant for Asclepio, God of medicine and Apollo’s son: for centuries it was used against many kind of illnesses : for example the plague. Today it is still used to refresh the house and in flour containers or dried figs to keep away insects.

  • Recipe 1: Camomile liqueur

400 g 90° alcohol
800 g of whole camomile flowers
200 g water
200 g sugar
preparation Put the camomile flowers in a jar and add the alcohol. Close hermetically and let it marinate for 40 days, possibly exposing it to the sunlight during the day and shaking it at least once a day. Afterwards, filter the alcohol, take care that nothing solid remains. Prepare with the water and the sugar a syrup, let it boil for some minutes and let it cool. Once it is cold add the syrup to the alcohol, stir it and before putting it in a bottle filter everything. Close the bottle well and let it mature for some weeks.

recipe 2: Pork liver in the net

Ingredients for 4 persons
450gr of pork liver
Lamb net
1 oregano branch
5-6 bay leaves
1 spoon of pork fat
Salt and pepper

Procedure :

Cut the liver into pieces of different size and the net in as many rectangles as the pieces of liver .
Roll each piece of liver in a piece of net and pierce them with an oregano twig . Line them up in an earthenware pot with a bit of pork fat and add some water – let it simmer for 5-10 minutes with the lid on the pot. Add salt and pepper and complete the cooking without the lid.

Fegatelli di maiale nella rete

Ingredienti per 4 persone

450 grammi di fegato
rete d'agnello liquore
1 rametto d'origano
5-6 foglie di alloro
un cucchiaio di sugna
Sale e Pepe

Tagliate il fegato in tocchetti di varia grandezza e la rete in tanti rettangoli quanti sono i fegatelli. Avvolgete ogni fegatello nei rettangoli di rete insieme con una mezza foglia di alloro e infilzateli con un rametto di origano. Allineate li in un tegame di coccio con un po’ di sugna e un po’ di acqua e fate cuocere lentamente a recipiente coperto per 5-10 minuti. Salate, pepate e fate completare la cottura a recipiente scoperto.

Dill aneto
borage....... borragine
tarragon... dragoncello
liquorice.... liquirizia
celery........ sedano
Lemon balm.. Melissa/ citronella
Chilli/chilli..... Peperoncino
Poppy seeds.. Semi di papavero
Laurel/bay leaf... alloro
camomile....... Camomilla
Chives............ Erba cipollina
sage ................Salvia
marjoram...... Maggiorana
parsley.......... Prezzemolo
thyme........... Timo
basil.............. Basilico
chervil.......... Cerfoglio
lavender...... Lavanda
violet........... Viola
mallow......... ..Malva
mint............. ..Menta
pennyroyal ...Mentuccia
peppermint. .Menta piperita
rosemary...... Rosmarino